Power Rangers - Action Figure Value Stats - Super7

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Total number of auctions reviewed: 19531
Total items reviewed: 194

Most Valuable: Top 20 most valuable figures in the past 45 days based upon the average selling price minus the retail price.
Photo Name Retail Avg Diff # Auc Group
White RangerWhite Ranger$55.00$56.34+$1.346Super7 Ultimates

Ranked by % Value: Similar to previous table, but sorted by percent value over retail price
Photo Name Retail % Value Avg Diff # Auc Group
White RangerWhite Ranger$55.002%$56.34+$1.346Super7 Ultimates

Most Auctions: Top 20 figures that have been sold based upon number of auctions.
Photo Name # Auc 1st Auc Load Group Name
Mighty Morphin Green Ranger8801-24-2023Super7 Ultimates
Dragonzord5508-25-2023Super7 Ultimates
Mighty Morphin Red Ranger2910-04-2023Super7 Ultimates
Tyrannosaurus Dinozord2601-23-2023Super7 Ultimates
Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger2601-24-2023Super7 Ultimates
Goldar2601-22-2023Super7 Ultimates
Lord Zedd2012-12-2023Super7 Ultimates
Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger1910-23-2023Super7 Ultimates
Rita Repulsa1810-15-2023Super7 Ultimates
Mighty Morphin Black Ranger1704-08-2023Super7 Ultimates
White Ranger1602-20-2024Super7 Ultimates
Dino Megazord1412-17-2023Super7 Ultimates
Putty Patroller1303-01-2023Super7 Ultimates
Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger1112-12-2023Super7 Ultimates
King Sphinx908-18-2023Super7 Ultimates
Finster306-29-2024Super7 Ultimates

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