G.I. Joe - Action Figure Value Stats - A Real American Hero

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Total number of auctions reviewed: 91472
Total items reviewed: 885

Most Valuable: Top 20 most valuable figures in the past 45 days based upon the average selling price minus the retail price.
Photo Name Retail Avg Diff # Auc Group
Baroness (Cobra Intelligence Officer)Baroness (Cobra Intelligence Officer)$2.25$1,545.33+$1,543.0833.75" Action Figures
VAMP (Multi-Purpose Attack Vehicle)VAMP (Multi-Purpose Attack Vehicle)$8.99$1,306.65+$1,297.6633.75" Vehicles
Shipwreck (Sailor)Shipwreck (Sailor)$2.29$874.72+$872.4343.75" Action Figures
Headquarters Command CenterHeadquarters Command Center$24.99$733.50+$708.5163.75" Vehicles
Python Viper (Python Patrol Assault Trooper) - Python PatrolPython Viper (Python Patrol Assault Trooper) - Python Patrol$2.99$408.18+$405.1933.75" Action Figures
Storm Shadow (Ninja v2)Storm Shadow (Ninja v2)$2.99$434.99+$432.0053.75" Action Figures
Dr. Mindbender (Master of Mind Control)Dr. Mindbender (Master of Mind Control)$2.35$378.42+$376.0733.75" Action Figures
A.S.P. (Assault System Pod)A.S.P. (Assault System Pod)$3.99$234.74+$230.7543.75" Vehicles
Python Trooper (Python Patrol Infantry) - Python PatrolPython Trooper (Python Patrol Infantry) - Python Patrol$2.99$252.51+$249.5243.75" Action Figures
Crimson Guard (Elite Trooper v2) - Python PatrolCrimson Guard (Elite Trooper v2) - Python Patrol$2.99$245.94+$242.9543.75" Action Figures
TomahawkTomahawk$16.99$259.56+$242.5763.75" Vehicles
Copperhead (Swamp Fighter) - Python PatrolCopperhead (Swamp Fighter) - Python Patrol$2.99$237.81+$234.8233.75" Action Figures
Sci-Fi (Laser Trooper)Sci-Fi (Laser Trooper)$2.35$228.12+$225.7743.75" Action Figures
Ferret (ATV)Ferret (ATV)$3.29$250.23+$246.9443.75" Vehicles
Dusty (Desert Trooper v2) - Tiger ForceDusty (Desert Trooper v2) - Tiger Force$2.99$214.83+$211.8433.75" Action Figures
Night RavenNight Raven$22.99$1,221.30+$1,198.3153.75" Vehicles
Skystriker (XP-14F Combat Jet)Skystriker (XP-14F Combat Jet)$14.99$225.70+$210.7153.75" Vehicles
Python Officer (Python Patrol Officer) - Python PatrolPython Officer (Python Patrol Officer) - Python Patrol$2.99$213.20+$210.2153.75" Action Figures
Spirit (Tracker v2) - Slaughter's MaraudersSpirit (Tracker v2) - Slaughter's Marauders$2.99$207.61+$204.6233.75" Action Figures
Conquest X-30Conquest X-30$17.99$185.62+$167.6343.75" Vehicles

Ranked by % Value: Similar to previous table, but sorted by percent value over retail price
Photo Name Retail % Value Avg Diff # Auc Group
Shipwreck (Sailor)Shipwreck (Sailor)$2.2938097%$874.72+$872.4343.75" Action Figures
Dr. Mindbender (Master of Mind Control)Dr. Mindbender (Master of Mind Control)$2.3516003%$378.42+$376.0733.75" Action Figures
Storm Shadow (Ninja v2)Storm Shadow (Ninja v2)$2.9914448%$434.99+$432.0053.75" Action Figures
Python Viper (Python Patrol Assault Trooper) - Python PatrolPython Viper (Python Patrol Assault Trooper) - Python Patrol$2.9913552%$408.18+$405.1933.75" Action Figures
Sci-Fi (Laser Trooper)Sci-Fi (Laser Trooper)$2.359607%$228.12+$225.7743.75" Action Figures
Python Trooper (Python Patrol Infantry) - Python PatrolPython Trooper (Python Patrol Infantry) - Python Patrol$2.998345%$252.51+$249.5243.75" Action Figures
Crimson Guard (Elite Trooper v2) - Python PatrolCrimson Guard (Elite Trooper v2) - Python Patrol$2.998125%$245.94+$242.9543.75" Action Figures
Copperhead (Swamp Fighter) - Python PatrolCopperhead (Swamp Fighter) - Python Patrol$2.997854%$237.81+$234.8233.75" Action Figures
Ferret (ATV)Ferret (ATV)$3.297506%$250.23+$246.9443.75" Vehicles
Dusty (Desert Trooper v2) - Tiger ForceDusty (Desert Trooper v2) - Tiger Force$2.997085%$214.83+$211.8433.75" Action Figures
Python Officer (Python Patrol Officer) - Python PatrolPython Officer (Python Patrol Officer) - Python Patrol$2.997030%$213.20+$210.2153.75" Action Figures
Spirit (Tracker v2) - Slaughter's MaraudersSpirit (Tracker v2) - Slaughter's Marauders$2.996843%$207.61+$204.6233.75" Action Figures
A.S.P. (Assault System Pod)A.S.P. (Assault System Pod)$3.995783%$234.74+$230.7543.75" Vehicles
Cobra B.A.T. (Battle Android Trooper v2)Cobra B.A.T. (Battle Android Trooper v2)$2.994759%$145.28+$142.2933.75" Action Figures
Sub-Zero (Winter Operations Specialist)Sub-Zero (Winter Operations Specialist)$2.994219%$129.15+$126.1633.75" Action Figures
Battle Gear Accessory PackBattle Gear Accessory Pack$1.993819%$77.98+$75.9953.75" Accessories
Tripwire (Mine Detector v3) - Tiger ForceTripwire (Mine Detector v3) - Tiger Force$2.993640%$111.83+$108.8433.75" Action Figures
Toxo-Viper (Cobra Hostile Environment Trooper)Toxo-Viper (Cobra Hostile Environment Trooper)$2.993551%$109.16+$106.1733.75" Action Figures
Cobra Commander (Cobra Leader v4)Cobra Commander (Cobra Leader v4)$2.993293%$101.45+$98.4633.75" Action Figures
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Snake Eyes (Commando v4)$2.993115%$96.13+$93.1433.75" Action Figures

Most Auctions: Top 20 figures that have been sold based upon number of auctions.
Photo Name # Auc 1st Auc Load Group Name
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Skystriker (XP-14F Combat Jet)15605-01-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Headquarters Command Center9405-13-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Vehicle Gear Accessory Pack8403-17-20233.75" Accessories
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Killer W.H.A.L.E. (Warrior Hovering Assault Launching Envoy)8005-03-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Tomahawk7801-18-20223.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Night Raven7401-21-20223.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)MOBAT (Motorized Battle Tank)7205-03-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Dragonfly (XH-1)7104-30-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Air Chariot6901-26-20223.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Chameleon (Swamp Skier)6605-14-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Hawk (G.I. Joe Commander)6501-18-20223.75" Action Figures
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Moray (Hydrofoil)6005-01-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Rattler (Ground Attack Jet)5604-30-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Mauler M.B.T. Tank (Manned Battle Tank)5505-08-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Ferret (ATV)5405-02-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)F.A.N.G. (Gyrocopter)5305-15-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Zarana (Zartan's Sister)5302-17-20223.75" Action Figures
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)VAMP (Multi-Purpose Attack Vehicle)5205-05-20213.75" Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Shipwreck (Sailor)5005-03-20213.75" Action Figures
Snake Eyes (Commando v4)Battle Gear Accessory Pack #4 (Cobra)4903-25-20233.75" Accessories

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