G.I. Joe - Action Figure Value Stats - 25th Anniversary

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Total number of auctions reviewed: 89345
Total items reviewed: 879

Most Valuable: Top 20 most valuable figures in the past 45 days based upon the average selling price minus the retail price.
Photo Name Retail Avg Diff # Auc Group
Dreadknok ZaranaDreadknok Zarana$9.99$228.00+$218.013Exclusives
Cobra Rattler (Wild Weasel)Cobra Rattler (Wild Weasel)$49.99$219.00+$169.016Vehicles
Snake Eyes (Black Timber)Snake Eyes (Black Timber)$5.99$146.66+$140.673Action Figures
Sgt. SlaughterSgt. Slaughter$9.99$139.64+$129.6510Exclusives
Dreadknok Zarana (Cold Slither)Dreadknok Zarana (Cold Slither)$9.99$117.50+$107.514Exclusives
Conquest X-30 (LT. Slip Stream)Conquest X-30 (LT. Slip Stream)$24.99$139.25+$114.264Vehicles
Arctic H.I.S.S. (Driver)Arctic H.I.S.S. (Driver)$15.99$110.86+$94.874Vehicles
Cobra Stinger (Driver)Cobra Stinger (Driver)$15.99$73.61+$57.628Vehicles
Cobra Commander (Black Suit)Cobra Commander (Black Suit)$5.99$62.12+$56.138Exclusives
Firebat Jet (A.V.A.C.)Firebat Jet (A.V.A.C.)$15.99$64.50+$48.514Vehicles
Kim Arashikage (White)Kim Arashikage (White)$9.99$65.75+$55.766Exclusives
RAM Cycle vs Cobra Flight PodRAM Cycle vs Cobra Flight Pod$9.99$54.87+$44.888Vehicles
Vamp Jeep (Double Clutch)Vamp Jeep (Double Clutch)$15.99$61.60+$45.615Vehicles
Specialist TrakkerSpecialist Trakker$5.99$43.39+$37.405Action Figures
A.W.E. Striker (Crankcase)A.W.E. Striker (Crankcase)$9.99$39.67+$29.686Vehicles
Tomax and XamotTomax and Xamot$9.99$42.99+$33.005Comic Packs
FireflyFirefly$5.99$31.64+$25.6516Action Figures
Copperhead and ShipwreckCopperhead and Shipwreck$9.99$29.81+$19.826Comic Packs
Cobra EELCobra EEL$5.99$30.97+$24.983Action Figures
Zartan (Swamp Skier)Zartan (Swamp Skier)$5.99$31.40+$25.416Action Figures

Ranked by % Value: Similar to previous table, but sorted by percent value over retail price
Photo Name Retail % Value Avg Diff # Auc Group
Snake Eyes (Black Timber)Snake Eyes (Black Timber)$5.992348%$146.66+$140.673Action Figures
Dreadknok ZaranaDreadknok Zarana$9.992182%$228.00+$218.013Exclusives
Sgt. SlaughterSgt. Slaughter$9.991298%$139.64+$129.6510Exclusives
Dreadknok Zarana (Cold Slither)Dreadknok Zarana (Cold Slither)$9.991076%$117.50+$107.514Exclusives
Cobra Commander (Black Suit)Cobra Commander (Black Suit)$5.99937%$62.12+$56.138Exclusives
Specialist TrakkerSpecialist Trakker$5.99624%$43.39+$37.405Action Figures
Arctic H.I.S.S. (Driver)Arctic H.I.S.S. (Driver)$15.99593%$110.86+$94.874Vehicles
Kim Arashikage (White)Kim Arashikage (White)$9.99558%$65.75+$55.766Exclusives
Conquest X-30 (LT. Slip Stream)Conquest X-30 (LT. Slip Stream)$24.99457%$139.25+$114.264Vehicles
RAM Cycle vs Cobra Flight PodRAM Cycle vs Cobra Flight Pod$9.99449%$54.87+$44.888Vehicles
FireflyFirefly$5.99428%$31.64+$25.6516Action Figures
Zartan (Swamp Skier)Zartan (Swamp Skier)$5.99424%$31.40+$25.416Action Figures
Cobra EELCobra EEL$5.99417%$30.97+$24.983Action Figures
DukeDuke$5.99402%$30.04+$24.055Action Figures
Mutt and JunkyardMutt and Junkyard$5.99376%$28.50+$22.515Action Figures
Wild BillWild Bill$5.99374%$28.38+$22.395Action Figures
ShipwreckShipwreck$5.99374%$28.40+$22.4119Action Figures
Spirit Iron KnifeSpirit Iron Knife$5.99372%$28.29+$22.3015Action Figures
Snake Eyes (White Timber)Snake Eyes (White Timber)$5.99363%$27.72+$21.7313Action Figures
General HawkGeneral Hawk$5.99363%$27.75+$21.764Action Figures

Most Auctions: Top 20 figures that have been sold based upon number of auctions.
Photo Name # Auc 1st Auc Load Group Name
General HawkSerpentor33510-03-2021Action Figures
General HawkShipwreck32709-29-2021Action Figures
General HawkBeachhead29410-03-2021Action Figures
General HawkB.A.T.28910-07-2021Action Figures
General HawkSnake Eyes (White Timber)28609-29-2021Action Figures
General HawkSnow Job28210-04-2021Action Figures
General HawkBuzzer28209-29-2021Action Figures
General HawkSpirit Iron Knife26310-01-2021Action Figures
General HawkRed Ninja25109-29-2021Action Figures
General HawkDoc (Mail In)24910-05-2021Exclusives
General HawkMajor Bludd24110-03-2021Action Figures
General HawkCobra Commander (Hooded)23710-20-2021Action Figures
General HawkCobra Air Trooper22810-10-2021Action Figures
General HawkGung-Ho21010-02-2021Action Figures
General HawkSnow Serpent20610-06-2021Action Figures
General HawkLady Jaye20310-02-2021Action Figures
General HawkFlint20309-29-2021Action Figures
General HawkCobra Viper20110-06-2021Action Figures
General HawkCobra Commander (Battle Armor)18909-29-2021Action Figures
General HawkCobra Para-Viper18310-11-2021Action Figures

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