Masters of the Universe - Action Figure Value Stats - Super7

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Total number of auctions reviewed: 55409
Total items reviewed: 899

Most Valuable: Top 20 most valuable figures in the past 45 days based upon the average selling price minus the retail price.
Photo Name Retail Avg Diff # Auc Group
Wrap Trap (Collector's Choice)Wrap Trap (Collector's Choice)$35.00$152.44+$117.445Classics
God SkeletorGod Skeletor$35.00$141.18+$106.184Classics
Skeletor (Club Grayskull)Skeletor (Club Grayskull)$35.00$96.33+$61.333Ultimate
Dark Despot SkeletorDark Despot Skeletor$35.00$85.27+$50.273Classics
Tung LashorTung Lashor$35.00$39.99+$4.994Club Grayskull

Ranked by % Value: Similar to previous table, but sorted by percent value over retail price
Photo Name Retail % Value Avg Diff # Auc Group
Wrap Trap (Collector's Choice)Wrap Trap (Collector's Choice)$35.00336%$152.44+$117.445Classics
God SkeletorGod Skeletor$35.00303%$141.18+$106.184Classics
Skeletor (Club Grayskull)Skeletor (Club Grayskull)$35.00175%$96.33+$61.333Ultimate
Dark Despot SkeletorDark Despot Skeletor$35.00144%$85.27+$50.273Classics
Tung LashorTung Lashor$35.0014%$39.99+$4.994Club Grayskull

Most Auctions: Top 20 figures that have been sold based upon number of auctions.
Photo Name # Auc 1st Auc Load Group Name
Snake Mountain12606-28-2021Classics
Skeletor (Club Grayskull)9107-06-2021Ultimate
Commander Karg8810-10-2021Classics
She-Ra8306-29-2021Club Grayskull
Dylamug (Collector's Choice)7007-15-2021Classics
Wrap Trap (Collector's Choice)6607-02-2021Classics
Prince Adam (Laughing)6208-21-2021Club Grayskull
Karg (Collector's Choice)6107-03-2021Classics
Dark Despot Skeletor5803-11-2023Classics
Sorceress5707-13-2021Club Grayskull
Granita (Collector's Choice)5606-28-2021Classics
God Skeletor5503-12-2023Classics
Trap Jaw5408-13-2021Vintage
Prince Adam5007-01-2021Vintage

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